
Three Card Poker Hand Rankings

Even though Three Card Poker is a fairly easy game to learn, one must pay particular attention to the composition of your poker hand. One of the major decisions in this game is whether to raise or fold and this you determine by your hand ranking. This article is intended to help you make that decision more easily.

These are the Three Card Poker hand rankings which I will rank from lowest to highest:

High card: A single card value, no duplicates, not in sequence and all must be of a different suit. The hand must have a Queen or higher card to be classified a High card hand. For example King of hearts, 10 of clubs and 3 of clubs in one hand.

Pair: Two of the three cards must be the same value. For example Ten of hearts, Ten of clubs and 3 of clubs in one hand.

Flush: All three cards must be of same suit but not in sequence. For example 2 of diamonds, 6 of diamonds and 7 of diamonds in one hand.

Straight: All three cards are in sequence but not of the same suit. For example 2 of Clubs, 3 of diamonds and 4 of spades in one hand.

Three of a Kind: Three of the same card. For example 4 of Clubs, 4 of diamonds and 4 of hearts in one hand.

Straight Flush: The highest hand you can get in Three Card Poker. It is made up of the cards being in sequence and of the same suit. For example Queen of hearts, King of hearts and Ace of hearts.

Stanley Majors is an experienced online poker journalist who writes articles on a range of poker topics. You can read more on Three Card Poker Hand Rankings. Plus find other articles at Texas Holdem Net, which provide useful and factual poker information and insight.



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